White Paper Abstract

From Early-Warning to Protective Measures

Modern battlefield and threat landscape it presents evolves rapidly and is very complex and may involve intentional use of CBRN threat agents both by state and non-state actors and accidental or intentional releases of toxic industrial chemicals or industrial radiation sources. CBRN threat agents encountered by armoured vehicle formations and their crews have potential impacts in armed conflicts, peace-keeping and peace-making, humanitarian and civil assistance, disaster relief, counter-proliferation, and counterterrorism.

CBRN defence in armoured vehicles complements the protection given by armour and active protection systems. It will enable the crew to survive, maintain momentum, and keep fighting in the presence of CBRN threat agents. Key elements of CBRN defence include armour that is enhanced to absorb neutron and gamma radiation, overpressure and CBR filtration system and CBRN early warning system.

Environics provides scalable CR monitoring solutions for different armored vehicles, covering their various categories and sizes.

Bertin Environics provides scalable monitoring solutions for different armored vehicles, covering their various categories and sizes.

The role and operational context of different armoured vehicle platforms affect the type and scale of CBRN protection and monitoring solutions implemented. One of the most important criteria for the selection of CBRN monitoring solutions to an armoured vehicle shall be formed by the application and operational needs – this will lead to implementation of appropriate and proportional, but still cost-effective CBRN monitoring solution that serve the purpose optimally, without compromising the performance in real-life situations. CBRN monitoring systems for armoured combat vehicles can be considered as integral companions to effective and smart use of CBRN filtration systems and an element of gaining situational awareness on the CBRN hazards – both in the single vehicle level and as a part of a bigger CBRN scheme.

Bertin Environics provides scalable monitoring solutions for armoured vehicles covering the various categories, sizes, and vehicle purposes.

This document was originally written by former Application Manager, CBRN Systems, Vehicle/CIP Solutions Katja Kiukas and later on revised by CBRN Application Manager Petri Karhula.

The views and opinions expressed in the article above are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Bertin Environics. Any content provided by the authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, neither they serve as a scientific statement.


Petri Karhula

CBRN Application Manager

I am Petri, application manager for armoured and unarmoured vehicles, as well as unmanned aerial (UAVs) and ground vehicle solutions (UGVs). I specialize in CBRN system integration solutions for all mobile platforms.

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