5 Years of ChemProX, Recipe for Success Blog Series
They say time flies when you’re having fun but considering you’re a first responder regularly dealing with potentially life-threatening situations only the brave can find the fun in that!
About the time when we all learned about COVID-19, some folks started hearing about the next GEN solution from (Bertin) Environics; the ChemProX. It was supposed to be the new and improved platform that has served the market for over 30 years. Well, it has been that and more! First responders, HAZMAT Professionals, and military clients have made it the fastest growing CWA/TIC detector since the first came out five years ago. Over half the US states and Canadian provinces have it in their arsenal. Nearly all NATO countries are customers too!
Simple works: we listened to customers and kept key features that worked… a brilliant idea!
Key & Unique Features for Chemical Detection
The trend line is universally understood to survey unknown environments to locate unknown substances. There’s nothing better than an easy to understand PID on steroids!
Simple maintenance and performance checks so as not to be a burden.
Enhancements: The ChemProX was improved by adding a “timeline” showing 15 second intervals to “see” when things “started to change“. Ask a user and they’ll tell you how great this is.
You want a great GUI? Green/Red; OK/Alarm read out for the novice user. Easy…
Built in training using “Bluetooth“ sources allow for anytime, anywhere, “clean” training.
As it very often happens, the emergency response alarms go off in the middle of “training” but you can still take the ChemProX to use since there is no “clear out time” needed when using the “clean” Simulation Sources.
Added GPS and wireless communication protocol. Built-in, no licenses!
ChemProX devices immediately communicate with other ChemProX units if within the 1KM Range. Mutual aid responses allow for an instant network to grow to 10 interoperable units. How simple is that?
When you want to “see the data” on a laptop or tablet simply use a ChemProX RU (Remote Unit) to connect to a local Wi-Fi network or “hotspot” and the static IP address will allow you to view up to ten devices.
The 2.4GHz wireless platform allows for any ChemProX to be deployed on UAVs/UGVs. Out of the box solutions are what customers crave, and we’ve worked with industry leaders of UAVs/UGVs to integrate into their communication platforms.
Auto mode allows for “hands free” changing between the TIC and CWA Library. Fantastic and easy!
As our domestic user base rapidly expands so does our user advocate list! We have a growing list of folks that you can speak with to tell you how they feel about the solutions we’ve provided.
Our ChemProX has enhanced our team’s ability to monitor for and detect a wide array of unknown gases and vapors not covered by electrochemical sensor or photoionization detector technology. The built-in chemical warfare agent and toxic industrial chemical libraries increase the value of the instrument by providing the capability to classify and identify target chemicals of concern. One of our team’s favorite features is the built-in training mode, a desirable option for any monitoring or detection instrument, which allows for real world instrument application in training scenarios. Regarding customer service, Bertin Environics exceeds industry expectations by providing near-instantaneous support in a friendly and helpful manner.
Daniel J. Hoy
Captain, Hazardous Materials Program Manager
Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District
In conclusion, it’s been an extremely successful rollout, and we appreciate the opportunity to listen and continue to improve the ChemProX as our customer needs dictate.
Simple, Easy, Mission Ready
All ChemProX users can utilize the ChemProX Update Station to make sure their devices are always running on the latest software version available. In fact, they can even be notified when a new version is released, by simply subscribing for updates!
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