Bertin Environics & X-System Are All You Need for Ship CBRN Monitoring


Would you like buying a car, if you had to purchase the chassis from Jaguar, engine from BMW, tires from Dunlop, electrical system from Bosch and then integrate all these components by yourself to build a functional car? Only a few of us would be capable of doing that. Luckily, we can buy a car from the dealer ready-made and fully functional.

When there is a need for CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear) monitoring for naval vessels, it also requires special skills and knowledge to design and build such a system. Select and purchase the right detectors, integrate them into the functional system and train users to be professional with the system. These are just a few tasks to mention of. In addition to setting up a CBRN monitoring system, the system needs to be operational for years to come, so its maintenance is an important factor and must be considered already during the design phase.

Fortunately, shipbuilders or system integrators do not need to be experts in CBRN detection to be able to build a proper CBRN monitoring system to a vessel.

One Single Supplier…

Bertin Environics is a single source supplier for CBRN Monitoring systems for naval and maritime applications. We provide fully equipped, turn-key CBRN systems for any size or type of vessel. Our delivery includes everything from designing the optimized system, manufacturing and testing it to commissioning and training. Not forgetting all necessary support during the whole lifecycle of the system.

We have over 35 years of experience and know-how in system design for CBRN Monitoring Solutions. We provide full life-cycle support as well as optimization to meet local environmental conditions.

…for the Entire CBRN Monitoring Solution

The X-System

X-System covers the whole scope for ships’ chemical, biological and radiological threat monitoring. The scope of supply includes chemical, bioaerosol and radiation detectors together with all needed data management and communication features.

  • For chemical detection, X-System includes ChemProX-DS, which detects Chemical Warfare Agents and Toxic Industrial Chemicals. In addition to chemical detection ChemProX-DS also includes data management capability for other detectors and connections to ship’s other management systems.
  • Bioaerosol detector, ENVI BioScout, detects and warns of possibly harmful aerosol particles, which have biological origin. Bio detector uses ChemProX-DS display for its user interface and also as a physical interface for data communication.
  • RanidX radiation detector monitors gamma radiation in the X-System and utilizes also ChemProX-DS user and data interface features.
  • X-System also includes all other necessary components, such as marine panel PC’s with EnviScreen Operix monitoring software and external alarm units for crew warning purposes in different locations of the vessel.

Environics COTS key components featured in X-System solution for Naval & Maritime CBRN Monitoring (from left to right): ChemProX-DS — Detection System Compatible Chemical Detector, RanidX — Detection System Compatible Radiation Detector, ENVI BioScout — Bioaerosol Detector with a 3-in-1 Capability, and EnviScreen Operix — CBRN Monitoring System Software Solution.

Even if you have all the necessary devices for the CBRN monitoring, there are still a lot of aspects and tasks to be aware of when setting up a monitoring system to warn of CBRN threats. Therefore, the scope of X-System delivery is not just detectors and devices, but it includes all necessary supporting work and services to build a working system.

Commissioning needs to be performed by an expertized team. Bertin Environics’ experienced commissioning team will confirm the correct installation and take the system into use after physical installations and cablings are finished.

During the project, it is important to ensure that the manufactured system is functional and fulfills the system requirements. Therefore, well-prepared testing procedures are in an important role in the delivery project. Bertin Environics Factory Acceptance Testing at the factory and Harbor Acceptance Testing on-board after installation, confirm that the system does what it has been specified to do.

Without proper training any system is useless or at least won’t be utilized to its full capacity. Well-trained users and maintainers are guarantee for the proper use of the system features and long lifecycle for the system components. Bertin Environics training options include several levels of training starting from basic on-line training in the web environment to on-site user and maintenance training. As a ship’s crew changes from time to time, Bertin Environics offers also refresh training for the old and new users.

Like the car in the example at the beginning of this text, all vessel’s systems require regular maintenance to keep the system in good condition. With proper training, ship’s crew, and assisting organizations, receive capabilities to keep system up and running. When more demanding measures are needed, it is important that the supplier is easy to contact and capable of providing support to the user. Naturally, Bertin Environics’ after-sales services include full coverage of services starting from corrective maintenance visits to all-inclusive preventive maintenance agreements.


Bertin Environics is an expert in CBRN and single source supplier of ship’s CBRN monitoring for shipyards and system integrators. With X-System solution, Bertin Environics is capable of supplying turn-key CBRN Monitoring Systems for any type or size of vessels.

Would you like to know more?

Bertin Environics Naval & Maritime application note mockup.

Download the Naval & Maritime CBRN Monitoring Application Note and gain access to exclusive content on X-System when used in vessels.

The views and opinions expressed in the article above are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Bertin Environics. Any content provided by the authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual, neither they serve as a scientific statement.


Arto Penttinen

CBRN Application Manager

I am Arto, a CBRN professional working in the field since 2003. In my early years in this business I have been in the Product Management field, but recently I have been mostly involved in CBRN Naval & Maritime System Project Management.

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