Unmanned CBRN Monitoring
A Mission Specific Modular CBRN Solution from One Single Supplier
Platform independent and integratable solution for unmanned ground vehicles, surface vessels and aerial drones. CBRN monitoring provides an early warning that enables timely decisions and counteraction planning.
Bertin Environics CBRN systems serve to observe, detect, monitor, search, warn, and support special units on the battlefield. Robotic combat vehicles are equipped with X-System COTS sensors specially designed for tackling CBRN threats 24/7 with data integrated into the vehicle data network. The modular CBRN detection solution is always adapted for the current mission, ranging from just chemical detection to full chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear detection.
Why Choose X-System Unmanned CBRN Monitoring Systems
Cutting edge field-proven technology
X-System modular architecture
Complete CBRN solution from one single supplier
One single interface for all the unmanned system components
Increased situational awareness
Full life-cycle support
Unmanned Vehicle Systems
Using an UAV, UGV or USV to conduct CBRN reconnaissance will prevent your personnel from encountering a potentially lethal substance and allows for time to react and plan counteractions required.
Unmanned vehicles in the hotzone can track the hazardous perimeter’s edge closest to the troops
Provides real-time information, allowing for data-based actions
An unmanned vehicle equipped with a full set of CBRN sensors will give a complete CBRN threat awareness overview of the battlefield

The system can be scaled according to mission specific requirements.