ChemProX Online User Training – Basic Use course introduces the device, and provides basic know-how and understanding on how to use ChemProX, a new generation handheld chemical detector.

Upon completion, you may proceed to ChemProX Online User Training – Advanced Use which provides a deepen understanding on how to use all ChemProX’s features, such as communication options, built-in training simulator, and incident management software.
This online training has been designed with a great focus on the end-users’ needs and requirements, through a close collaboration with First Responders, who have been deeply involved in the development of the course material.
The total duration of the course (Basic + Advanced Use) is approximately 2 hours. It’s divided into 14 (8 + 6) learning modules and two final tests, but it allows for studying one module at a time.
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If you already have password for the online training platform you can access the course from here.
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