International CBRN Preparedness and Consequence Management Course for First Responders
Bertin Environics’ Training Manager Toni Leikas was invited for the fourth time to conduct a training at the Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence (JCBRND COE), located in Vyskov, Czech Republic. This time, the course named “International CBRN Preparedness and Consequence Management Course for First Responders” took place on 24-28 April 2023. The lecture, included in the above mentioned course, along with a table-top exercise, was attended by students from 9 European countries and USA, from civil, fire fighting and military organisations.

Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence facilities in Vyskov, Czech Republic.
This course was part NATO’s Project on Minimum Standards and Non.-Binding Guidelines for First Responders Regarding Planning, Training, Procedure and Equipment for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Incidents THE INTERNATIONAL CBRN TRAINING CURRICULUM.
Lecture Aim & Objectives
The main goal of the Toni Leikas’ lecture “International CBRN Preparedness and Consequence Management Course for First Responders” was to provide the knowledge and understanding required for the implementation of the CBRN Training Curriculum, and to enhance interoperability among first responders in case of a CBRN incident.
The lecture topic was “Command and Control Requirements in Relation to CBRN Incidents” and the table top exercise “Command and Control – Bilateral / Multilateral Assistance”.

Training Manager Toni Leikas from Bertin Environics conducting a training for First Responders at the JCBRND COE in Czech Republic.
According to Training Manager Toni Leikas the atmosphere during the course was great and the students shared their own experiences over, across national and organisation levels. In addition they started to internalize that CBRN events are prompt to require multi-authority and even multi-national joint coopertion.
“We were very grateful for your support to the ongoing course; it was greatly appreciated by the COE key leaders but also mainly by the course participants.”
CBRN Defence Course Director and Lecturer
About JCBRN Defence COE
The JCBRN Defence COE is a NATO military body and multi-nationally sponsored organization which offers recognized expertise and experience to the benefit of the Alliance and other partners. Its activities are focused on NATO Transformation process, Operational Support by providing a CBRN Defence advice and Support of CBRN Defence Education, Training and Exercises.
More information available from their official website.