Service Manager Adam Vachon from Environics subsidiary office in the USA attended Chemical and Biological Operational Analysis 2022 (CBOA 22), a week long scenario-based live field experiment that assesses technology from both the operator and adversary perspective to uncover vulnerabilities and identify fixes/improvements. The event took place in Eglin Air Force Base, Florida from May 16th to 20th.
CBOA 22 counted with the service participation of Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine, SOCOM (United States Special Operations Command).

ChemproX along for a ride on HDT’s Hunter Wheeled Offload Logistics Follower (WOLF), a rugged 6×6 load-carrier for dismounted infantry, and fully integrated into their system, at the Eglin Air Force.
CBOA 22 Themes
The event focused on these integrated Chemical and Biological operations themes:
• Fixed Site Operations (APOD)
• Expeditionary Air Field Operations
• Sensitive Site Assessment
• Decon Support Operations on Fixed Site
• Domestic CBRN Prevention/Response
ChemProX Performance Report
“The ChemProX with the Radiation Detection module attached performed flawlessly to all the tests that were thrown at it. We were able to collect chemical and radioactive data and transmit the information back to headquarter in real time. The ChemproX was along for a ride on HDT’s Wolf and fully integrated into their system, which allowed anyone with the username and password to see the information of the ChemProX and Wolf. The ChemProX ran for over 8 hours a day in 90-degree (32.22 Celcious) weather and a high humidity point with no issues. The Evaluators were impressed on how capable the system was. Overall, it was a success and showed off how reliable the ChemProX is.”
Environics USA Service Manager Adam Vachon