Environics is featured in SSTC NRS (State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiatiation Safety) website, with an interview to Area Manager Krister Liljegren carried out during “Protection Technologies/FireTech-2017”, an event which took place in Kiev last month.

Area Manager Krister Liljegren, representative of Environics Oy at “Protection Technologies/FireTech-2017” in Kiev. Picture courtesy of SSTC NRS.
Mr. Liljegren not only refers to Environics presence in Ukraine, but also sums up the company’s status quo within its competitors and latest developments.
Here’s an excerpt of SSTC NRS interview:
– What are your partners in Ukraine?
– We established cooperation in Ukraine with different authorities: border guards and other structures working for safety and security. In addition, we have been cooperating for more than seven years with SSTC NRS and SNRIU.
– In 2010, Environics transferred radiological reconnaissance vehicle – RanidSONNI – to Ukraine. Is it being used for its intended purpose?
– I think SSTC NRS and SNRIU use the radiological reconnaissance vehicle very efficiently. Actually, you only need to visit the SSTC NRS website to confirm this. There are regular reports on surveys of territories and facilities using RanidSONNI equipment.