EuropeaN Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLustEr has now started!
Environics would like to announce its partnership with ENCIRCLE Project, as one of the fifteen members Consortium.
ENCIRCLE is a 4-year project designed to improve competitiveness and procurement of CBRN technologies for the advantage of both European CBRN industry and practitioners.
To improve its resilience to new CBRN attacks and threats, the EU needs a specialized, competitive, efficient and sustainable industry. Capitalizing on its experience in the EDEN Demonstration Project, other CBRN relevant projects, and in the CBRN market and supply chain, the ENCIRCLE consortium proposes an innovative approach to reach this goal in a short to long term perspective. Once achieved it will allow SMEs and large industries to deliver and invest in the best innovations on the market.
For further information about the project:
Issue 1