Environics detectors — RanidPro200 (with Spectrometric Radiation Source Locator RanidSOLO) and Ranid Port Mobile — as well as CBRN dedicated system software — EnviScreen Operix 2020 — are today being featured in a major preparedness exercise against radiation incidents taking place in Mikkeli, Finland.

Environics radiation detection devices and EnviScreen CBRN dedicated system software ready to be used by South Savo Rescue Department (Etelä-Savon Pelastuslaitos) and Environics CBRN professionals.
The international exercise involving first response authorities from 10 EU countries is held in the Karkialampi garrison area of Mikkeli, the town where Environics headquarters are located.
This exercise hosted and organized by local South Savo Rescue Department, demonstrates the use of radiation measurement equipment and a map application, in a situation where a dangerous orphan source of radiation is found in the terrain. It works as a joint learning event in which the authorities cooperate and develop activities in an incident involving dangerous radioactive material.
Through this kind of training activity first response authorities gain knowledge and experience on how new policies and methods can be developed to help those involved in a potential accident.

South Savo Rescue Department field setup.
In addition, the aim is to draw up a general guide for the authorities on how to proceed after a radiation source has been found, and how to obtain as much information as possible from the source — safely and efficiently — using high-end technology.

(On the left) ChemProX with RDM, a Radiation Detector Module, measuring traces of gamma radiation. (On the right) South Savo Rescue Department personnel utilizing RanidPro200.

South Savo Rescue Department personnel checking decontamination results with RanidPort mobile.
News updated on September 21st. Text below added.
Environics detectors have also been used in FTX Disperse, another multi-authority joint field exercise that tested not only the capability of first responders and emergency medical services, but also new technologies developed in the Horizon 2020 funded TOXI-Triage project.
Text/evaluation criteria of the FXT exercise, related to Environics products and assignments within the FXT. Including FXT evaluation objects (1. Learning objects). All the following objects were evaluated as a strength- S. ( a) Evaluation criteria, after FXT participants are able to.
- Demonstrate the functions of quickly deployable and automated set of radiation sensors. (Learning objects)
- Manipulate data of the quickly deployable and automated set of sensors. (Evaluation criteria, after FXT participants are able to)
- RanidPort Mobile + RanidPro200 with Solo. All sensors were connected and evaluated results were present on EnviScreen Operix 2020.
- Manipulate data of the quickly deployable and automated set of sensors. (Evaluation criteria, after FXT participants are able to)
- Demonstrate the utilization of the network of automated spectrometric detectors to be deployed by reconnaissance teams.
- Demonstrated the functions of a set of devices for screening tests for external contamination of people.
- RanidPort Mobile with external wireless screen (tablet/phone) was use for contaminated people’s decontamination results screening.
- Present the use of the network of automated spectrometric detectors to be deployed by reconnaissance elements.
- Interpret data of automated spectrometric detectors to be deployed.
- RanidPort Mobile + RanidPro200 with Solo. All sensors were connected and evaluated results were present on EnviScreen Operix 2020.
- Interpret the methods of searching and identifying RN sources
- RanidPro200 with SOLO