Environics is once again featured in SSTC NRS (State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiatiation Safety) website, this time regarding the usage of RanidSONNI during UEFA Champions League final 2018, to ensure radiation safety Kiev inhabitants and guests during the event.
Here’s an excerpt of the original article published in SSTC NRS website:
Radiation Monitoring during UEFA2018 Champions League Finals: No Abnormal Radiation Sources Detected
The experts of the State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SSTC NRS) checked the main fan zone of the football championship on Khreschatyk Street with the help of MKS-05 Terra dosimeter-radiometer and Thermo RadEye PRD personnel radiation detector. The maximum dose rate made up to 0.12 µSv/year what complies with the norm and does not exceed the natural radiation background indicators.

RanidSonni at UEFA Champions League 2018 in Kiev. Picture courtesy of SSTC NRS.
Also, SSTC NRS experts visited the fan zone of the Liverpool Football Club located in Taras Shevchenko Park to check the territory with the help of neutron and gamma radiation dosimeter-radiometer based on RanidPro200 Vasikka detectors. The dose rate indicators were within permissible limits.
The radiation measurements were made using the method of comparative gamma survey in public event places for 24 hours prior to football events (May 25) and directly during the football events (May 26).