A 2-day Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) was conducted this week by Project Manager Mikko Pöyhönen for the first of four CBRN Monitoring Systems to be delivered to the Brazilian Navy’s Tamandaré Class Frigates.

This system comprises chemical and radiation threat detectors and CBRN situational-awareness system software EnviScreen.

The Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) was successful and both integrators and end-customer were pleased about the results.

Bertin Environics team together with members of Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems and EMGEPRON, a state owned company linked to the Ministry of Defence of Brazil through the Command of the Navy.

X-System’s devices mounted on a wall during the acceptance testing.

In October 2023 Bertin Environics signed a remarkable contract with Águas Azuis for supplying X-System Solution to four Tamandaré Class frigates of the Brazilian Navy. This deal strengthened Bertin Environics position as a global leader for Naval & Maritime CBRN protection.

About Tamandaré Class Frigates

Tamandaré Class frigates were designed with the latest technology available in global shipbuilding and will be operated by the Brazilian Navy to guarantee the sovereignty of the national territory. These are a class of future stealth guided-missile frigates, and their construction started in 2022 with scheduled delivery between 2025 and 2029.

Would You Like to Know More?

Download our “Naval & Maritime CBRN Monitoring” Application Note.

Bertin Environics Naval & Maritime application note mockup.

Naval & Maritime CBRN Monitoring Application Note