The Benefits of CBRN Monitoring for Military Armoured Vehicles from Environics
The CBNW Magazine has once again invited Environics specialists to write their expert insights on CBRN related matters. This time, Katja Kiukas, Applications Manager for Vehicle CBRN Solutions, describes the benefits of CBRN monitoring for military armoured vehicles.
Read the full article entitled “When the going gets tough” in CBNW website.
The categorisation of military armoured vehicles reflects their intended battlefield roles and characteristics. (…) They come in variable sizes, mobility and weaponisation. Typically, armoured combat vehicles have a key role in the military effectiveness of land forces, having firepower, mobility and protection as their key attributes to be balanced.
These vehicles comprise several categories (…). More advanced CBRN reconnaissance vehicles belong to the versatile category of armoured support vehicles that are engaged in full CBRN defence, general support, command & communication, mortar carrying, and other secondary tasks.
CBRN reconnaissance vehicles operate with full, advanced CBRN capabilities built on point and stand-off detection principles, and environmental sample collection and analysis. Furthermore, they create situational awareness by area marking and by warning and reporting on their observations, findings and predictions.

Environics provides scalable CBRN monitoring solutions for different armoured vehicles, covering their various categories and sizes. These include APC – Armored Personnel Carriers, MBT – Main Battle Tanks, LMV – Light Multirole Vehicles, IFV – Infantry Fighting Vehicles, HACV – Heavy Armament Combat Vehicles and ASV – Armored Support Vehicles – the latter in the form of CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicles with full CBRN capabilities.