CBRNE Agents & Accidents
In CBRNE Risks & Threats webinar, Training Manager Toni Leikas will share a brief explanation on the meaning of the acronym “C-B-R-N-E” and what each letter represents, since CBRNE agent is the generic terminology used for CBRNE substances in solid, liquid, aerosolized, or gaseous forms, that are designed to incapacitate or kill a person.
This approximately 20min session, will cover the following topics:
- Chemical Agents: toxic chemicals, chemical agents, chemical warfare agents (CWA), toxic industrial chemicals (TIC)
- Biological Agents: biological agents, biological weapons
- Radiological Agents / Material: ionising and non-ionising radiation, radioactive material, material out of regulatory control, dirty bombs
- Nuclear Material: nuclear energy and nuclear power, special nuclear material (SNM), nuclear weapons
- Explosives: commercial and military explosives, home-made explosives (HME), improvised explosive devices (IED)
In addition, Training Manager Toni Leikas will also go through the threats posed by CBRNE incidents and the different types of facilities that can serve as targets, as well as methods or actors involved.