Courses updated on March 2022

Step Into the X World with ChemProX Online User Training!

ChemProX Online User TrainingBasic Use course introduces this new generation handheld chemical detector. Therefore, it provides basic know-how and understanding on how to use the device.

After you pass the Basic Use, you can proceed to ChemProX Online User TrainingAdvanced Use. This second level course provides a deeper understanding on how to use all ChemProX’s features, for instance:

  • Communication options
  • Built-in training simulator
  • Incident management software

The design of this e-learning course has a great focus on the end-users’ needs and requirements. First Responders were deeply involved in the development of the course material, through a close collaboration.

The total duration of the course (Basic + Advanced Use) is approximately 2 hours. It’s divided into 14 (8 + 6) learning modules, two final tests and also allows for studying one module at a time.

Do you already have a password?

If you already have password for the online training platform you can access the course from here.

Access Course here

Do you need a password?

If you don’t have yet credentials, please contact us by filling the form below.

Basic Use Course

This course targets at operators and end-user level actors. It serves basic technical information on ChemProX, in addition to basic knowledge on how to use the detector.

The training provides information of ChemProX’s main features and basic tasks such as:

  • Start-up and shutting down procedures.
  • Use of the various functions of the detector.
  • User-level maintenance tasks.

Advanced Use Course

This course works as a sequel of “Basic Use”. You will learn not only how to use the above mentioned features, but also how to put theory into practice.